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Data Privacy Framework Verification

The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (DPF), Swiss-US Data Privacy Framework, and UK extension provide critical and compliant data mechanisms for companies.

What is the DPF?

DPF participation is the simplest, most reliable, and cost-effective EU-U.S personal data transfer option for compliance because the Data Protection Framework (DPF) is an Adequacy Decision. This means personal data can be transferred to that country without further safeguards.

The DPF verification provides a robust demonstration that you’ve met the obligations of the Data Privacy Framework, which is an approved transfer method agreed on by both the United States government and the EU Commission. Because it is an adequacy decision, supplementary measures and transfer impact assessments are not required.

DPF verification benefits

Privacy-compliant data flows

DPF-verified companies are able to ensure compliant data mechanisms from the EU and UK to the US. This means no delay in business operations across your markets.


DPF ensures you have structured your privacy program to comply with international data transfer commitments to future-proof yourself and most importantly operationalizes the requirements of SCCs, GDPR, and other global privacy laws (including in the U.S.).

Increased privacy maturity

Adhering to DPF ensures that your organization has a mature and well implemented privacy program, a program with principles that adhere to privacy principles that are interoperable with other domestic and international privacy regulations

Reputation and trust

DPF Verification is public-facing, signaling trust that PI will be used fairly, lawfully, and transparently. Enhance your reputation and trust with trade partners, investors, customers, and regulators compliance to an internationally recognized standard with a verified seal. Show your commitment to protecting personal data and privacy.

Commercial credibility

DPF Verification provides immediate credibility to a Small–to-Medium-Sized enterprises as a viable and vetted trading partner.


DPF Verification provides assurance to consumers and business partners alike that data transferred to your organization will receive equivalent protections as it does abroad, thereby reducing your organizations risk and the risk for organizations that work with you.

Assurance process

  • Conduct privacy review

    Together, we work with you to conduct a privacy analysis to understand your data policies and practices.

  • Demonstrate compliance

    Survey questions guide you through the requirements to ensure you’re complying with the framework principles.

  • Customized action plan

    TrustArc team provides an Action Plan for how to meet DPF privacy principles. The Action Plan includes a gap analysis, written guidance on compliance posture, and remediation recommendations to achieve compliance.

  • Remediation & verification

    Collect, compile, or generate documents or processes to demonstrate compliance.

  • Reviewed or redlined privacy notice & seal issuance

    A TRUSTe-reviewed Privacy Notice, a Letter of Attestation, and seal for public posting. We provide authorization and assist in completing U.S. Department of Commerce filing.

  • Ongoing monitoring & guidance

    All assessment work and supporting documentation for an audit trail is available along with ongoing compliance monitoring.

  • Independent recourse mechanism

    TRUSTe can be listed as your independent recourse mechanism allowing you to meet your DPF obligations. Providing you with privacy expertise to handle privacy inquiries and address disputes.

Uniquely ours

Recognized privacy seal & compliance

TRUSTe reputation as a privacy certification provider, completing 10,000+ certifications and verifications. TrustArc can review compliance for customer data, employee data, or both.

International privacy expertise

Our privacy team has expertise in a variety of areas and are spread out internationally and available year round. You also get continued support and access to our team of privacy experts after a seal is issued.

Comprehensive and flexible services

Our solutions can include assessments, verifications, and an independent recourse mechanism option – taking care of all of your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Data Privacy Framework Verification

  • Why is the DPF important?

    The adequacy decision that went into force on July 10, 2023 reflects the U.S. and EU’s joint commitment to strong data privacy protections and will create greater economic opportunities for companies on both sides of the Atlantic. Its criteria safeguards personal data and addresses data transfer mechanisms. The DPF is a government-to-government backed program that was approved by the EU Commission.

    With the adoption of the adequacy decision, U.S. companies are able to validly transfer data from the EU. This is important if the U.S. organization is acting as a processor and controller (vendor). This also allows European entities to be able to transfer personal data to participating companies in the United States, without having to put in place additional data protection mechanisms.

  • What is an adequacy decision?

    An adequacy decision is one of the tools provided under the GDPR to transfer personal data from the EU to third countries. It offers a comparable level of protection of personal data to that of the European Union.

    As a result of adequacy decisions, personal data can flow freely and safely from the European Economic Areas (EAA) to a third country without being subject to any further conditions or authorizations. This means data can flow freely from the EU to the U.S. without any prior government approval. The adequacy decision of the EU-U.S. DPF covers data transfers from the EAA to U.S. companies certified to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework. Similarly, the UK government is expected to make an adequacy decision confirming that the UK extension of the DPF covers data transfers from the UK to participating U.S. companies.

  • Why DPF Verification and not just other tools for transfer mechanisms (e.g. SCCs and BCRs)?

    SCCs and BCRs are an acceptable transfer method for cross-border transfers, in place of DPF certification. BCRs can be up to a two year investment of resources including outside counsel, and the privacy department. If you are using SCCs, those require doing Transfer Impact Assessments, versus directly relying on an adequacy decision.

    Overall, the certification goes a long way in terms of showing trust to the companies you work with and the individuals data you may collect and/or process.

    If a company does DPF they don’t need any additional methods to transfer data. Compared to SCCs and BCRs, DPF certification and verification involves less paperwork, resources, and risk. For example, an EU regulator can evaluate your SCCS (e.g. are there appropriate supplementary measures?), whereas the DPF enables you to freely transfer data.

  • How long does the process take to be certified?

    The actual process of certifying through the DPF website takes about 40 minutes by the DoC’s estimate. However, the preparation for certification includes verifying your organization’s adherence to the principles – taking about 90 days with TRUSTe. The maturity of your privacy program can impact whether that timeline is shorter or longer than average.

TrustArc provides a third party certification that improves customer trust with our websites. Leading to better retention and higher conversion rates.

– Director of IT

TrustArc has made it easy for us to maintain our certification, which is vital for our global clients. They have provided guidance as the requirements have shifted, allowing us to update our policies and procedures. The online tools are easy to use, and their personnel have always been helpful when there is a question about the online process.Support is very responsive and knowledgeable.

– Mike J.

TrustArc makes our compliance process easy and straightforward.

– Darren D., CISO

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