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Assurance & Certifications

CCPA Validation

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) remains one of the leading privacy regulations that business partners, customers, and regulators look at for compliance. Get validated by an independent third party that attests your privacy and data protection practices.

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Proof of compliance

  • Save time with trusted experts and technology

    Demonstrate privacy compliance, reduce risk, and build trust with an independent review powered by technology and delivered by privacy experts.

  • Demonstrate compliance and build brand trust

    Share your Letter of Validation on your website, Trust Center, or directly from your Privacy Policy. Your CCPA Validation provides evidence when completing vendor assessment while saving you time and resources.

  • Achieve privacy program ROI

    User our regulation-aligned templates built and continuously updated by our team of experts to augment your current policies and procedures.

Validation process

  • Discovery and evaluation

    An experienced Global Privacy Solutions team member guides you through the assessment process, utilizing our proven methodology and powerful technology. Our team works with your organization to efficiently guide the discovery of necessary information and evaluates your privacy policies and practices against CCPA requirements.

  • Remediation assistance

    Rely on us to help you remediate gaps in your privacy program and leverage complementary access to relevant and curated operational templates to support your organization towards compliance.

  • Accessible audit trail

    Use TrustArc’s platform to access a complete audit trail, including assessment tasks and supporting documentation. Streamline inquiry responses and maintain audit compliance.

  • Letter of Validation

    A TRUSTe certified Letter of Validation is provided to show regulators, partners, and customers validation against CCPA requirements.

  • Ongoing guidance

    TrustArc will continue to provide ongoing guidance on your policies and privacy program.

With these validations, we’ve further reinforced our commitment to data privacy, transparency, and compliance.

– Senior Director, Privacy and Public Policy, ZoomInfo

Demonstrate CCPA compliance quickly

Get validated
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